Okay, y’all talked me into it, I’ll share today just what it was I was making with the lace and terry cloth I dyed. First off, the lace (which I’m not done with…)

I’ve been eying some beautiful lace sheets/pillowcases in the Penney’s catalog, 300TC Tivoli Lace and 600 TC EasyCare Lace.  But I didn’t like the price AT ALL! So, what’s a girl to do…. Well, if you’re the slightest bit crafty, you make your own! (And OF COURSE, now that I’ve gone back to look up the links to share the pix with anybody who cares to look at them, they are ON SALE! Foul, not fair, boo-hiss … wait, I still came out cheaper in the long run, and I’ll enjoy mine more because I know I made them; shutting up now *sheepish grin*)



So I started with this plain pillowcase I picked up at Wal-Mart, pic doesn’t show it very well, but it’s a very light sage-y green.





And, drumroll pleae, the finished product!

My bedding is actually pretty new, got one of those “bed in a bag” creations on MASSIVE sale (think it might’ve even been clearance for this item) at Bed, Bath, and Beyond. The queen-size comforter, 2 standard pillow shams, 2 Euro pillow shams, the dust ruffle, and 2 decorator pillows for $55!!!!! What you see the pillow laying against in the pic is the comforter, the small square decorator pillow (but it’s only the solid burgundy on one side, the other side is the same print as the comforter; I don’t get it), and in the far left bottom corner with the burgundy ruffle is the standard pillow sham.

Yes, because I’m goofy (read my page “The Pursuit of Craftiness”) I hand-sewed the lace on the pillowcase – I’m just awesome like that 😉 I still have to hand-sew the mate to this one, and I also got a set of much darker green, guess it’s more of an olive color, that I’m going to sew the crocheted lace around.

No, I don’t like pillows, not one bit *MASSIVE SARCASM* – I only sleep with about 15 of them on my bed. I’m not kidding! There’s the 4 king-size pillowcases (which is what I’m making these pillowcases for, so I can get the shams that DON’T match out of my room), the 2 standard pillowcases, my shaped memory foam pillow – okay, that’s 7. Then there’s the decorator pillows – the 2 that came with the bed-set (no, I don’t take them off at night), 2 more I bought because they were on clearance at Target and matched so well,  and 1 that (even though it was my pillow) had been staying in Mama’s living room until I had back surgery, because it’s the perfect size and shape to go under my knees – but it matches my bedding, and is where I got the idea for the green-themed pillowcases, because it has some in it, and when held up against my new bedspread it pulled out the VERY faint green that was hiding in there! Okay, so that’s 12 pillows I sleep with, and once I get my Euro pillows to go with the Euro shams that are still folded up in the closet, it’ll be 14! So my guess of 15 wasn’t too far off 🙂

So I guess when I post pics of my finished pillowcases – all 4 of them instead of just the one – I’ll include all the other pillows in the shot, just so you’ll believe me about my 12 pillows 😉