Posts tagged ‘fall’

Fall pix

I decided before murdering my pumpkin as described by OhioFarmGirl to take some pictures first:

What’s better for a fall picture opportunity than a boy, a pumpkin, and a cat?

How about a boy, a pumpkin, and three black cats 😉


Happy Fall Y’all!


PS – No, the pictures are not edited in any way other than to crop them. God blessed us with solid black kitties 😉 Yes, the kittens are from the same litter. And when I see them together I can’t help but hum “One of these things is not like the other ones, one of these things doesn’t belong….”

Fall Randomness

Since I had originally intended to post the “My Do It!” entry (previous) yesterday, and was unable to, I’m making up for it today with an extra post, well, just because I can 😀

Mama LOVES Dogwood trees and has gobs of them all over the property, because they put on such a beautiful show not only in spring, but also in fall. (Minus the guy-wire in the bottom left and the power line at the top :/, ain’t this one purty?) FYI – my raised bed garden is JUST out of the frame on the left 🙂

The guy wire in the 1st pic leads to the “dead tree that’s owned by the power company” aka the power pole, on which I hung this hummingbird feeder. (I thought it was nifty that it looked kinda like a wine bottle, and it was dirt cheap, too!) At first, I hung it on a low-hanging limb of an oak-tree, but the ants cleaned out the 3 cups of solution in less than 3 days! I was not happy 😦

So I looked around for another spot in the yard that had something I could reach that I could hang the feeder on, with NO ANTS! Yay! for the power pole! It took ’em a few days, but they found it again:


(Just wait til I get my new spearmint plant planted; once it starts really producing, I’ll put sprigs ALL around the power pole, then I double-dog-dare ya to get to the hummingbird food!)

JUST underneath the branch of the oak hanging down, in front of the wood pile, is the trunk of the oak to which said branch belongs. The “pile” in the front middle of the two trees is where I get my bark mulch “au natural” (referenced in a previous post). The yellow thing is some random farm equipment tractor attachment. BUT – one of the thing’s I’ve made that I haven’t talked about yet because I can’t take pictures of it yet – Mama’s informed me if I get this spot cleaned up, I can hang my hammock here! Won’t have to worry about grass, and the shade canopy is unbeatable! (Let’s just hope the squirrels don’t decide to pelt me with acorns….)

Another angle, taken from very near the tree trunk you CAN see in the above pic, to show the 2nd tree trunk. You can also see the mulch pile a little bit better.

Pretty bed of spider lilies we saw today:

Slightly closer view of same bed (camera doesn’t zoom):

And does anybody know what this pretty purplish plant is? I got it from 2 different angles:

I love that it’s purple with a pink flower!

And a last note for today – Mama and I saw a Bald Eagle today! I didn’t think we had them in these parts; Mama and I both had to think a minute – wait, what is it? But the white head and white tail feathers gave it away 😀 If I hadn’t been driving down the road at 60 mph almost late for an appointment, I would’ve turned around and tried to get a picture!

God’s unexpected blessings are everywhere, if we’ll just take the time to look!

Fall in the Country

Because I needed a warm fuzzy 🙂

Yup! That’s us, just your average, ordinary “country pumpkins!” (I LOVE Hobby Lobby!) This hangs by the front door.

Also inside the front porch is this pretty basket of daisy mums; Mama loves daisies, and so this was perfect 🙂

If you look REAL close, you can see the itty-bitty gecko on the screen just above the plant. If you start on the left side of the plant going across the back, count about 10-12 blooms, and it’s above that one.

Again, more fun at Hobby Lobby 😉 A metal corn, pumpkin, and leaf pinwheel (top right corner of gate). Mama likes to decorate for fall – can ya tell? This gate is right beside the front entry to the house. (That’s what the wooden post is, the stair railing up to the front porch.) Mama just told me today that the gate is family history – it’s THE gate from the original Tuten home in Savannah. (“Wait, I hadn’t told you or Ellen that? Y’all need to know all this family history stuff!”  I also love the gate, because I love pert near anything wrought iron!)

ahhhh – beautiful fall colors! (Just wait til the sugar maple starts turning colors – I’ll make sure to post pictures of that beauty!)

This is the beautiful field across the street. I love all the pretty purple wildflowers! The picture didn’t turn out as nice as I hoped, but when can we ever capture God’s handiwork and have it look as good as the Creator made it?

Also, meet Bailey 🙂 He IS a house dog, pretty little spoiled Sheltie that he is, but we love him!

This is a spider lily (and unintended self-portrait!). They were Daddy’s favorite plant, and Mama was very happy and in need of a pick-me-up when I spotted it blooming the other day. She says she’s intended to move it for several years, but in the spring never can find it, since there’s nothing there. Looks like a fall move is in the works 🙂

Another spider lily pic I played with, instead of just cropping


Hope y’all enjoy the warm fuzzy as much as I did. Now off I go to pick up Mr. Teddy from AWANA!